The health benefits

The practice of taking regular saunas offer a myriad of benefits for both body & mind.

Explore some of the science here.

  • Relaxation

    As the body absorbs the warmth, muscles gradually unwind, allowing the mind to drift into a state of calm. Stress levels decrease and a sense of relaxation is absorbed by the entire being, promoting overall wellbeing.

  • Improved circulation

    Regular sauna sessions can improve the cardiovascular health. The heat causes blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow to the skin & organs, which nourishes the cells and helps to flush out toxins and impurities, leaving the body feeling revitalised.

  • Detoxification

    Sweating in response to the heat helps to expel toxins through the pores, cleansing the skin an supporting the body’s natural detoxification process. This not only enhances the health and appearance of the skin but also boosts overall wellbeing.

  • Pain relief

    The heat soothes sore muscles and joints, alleviating pain and promoting faster recovery from injury or exercise. So regular use is ideal for someone who suffers with joint paints or has injured themselves or for people engaged in athletic performance.

  • Improved immune function

    Every time you use a sauna, you are reinforcing your body’s defence mechanisms. In raising your core body temperature you are mimicking the effect of a fever, improving circulation and boosting the body’s natural healing pocess.

  • Mental & emotional support

    Sauna therapy provides a tranquil space for relaxation & meditation, allowing the mind to quieten. Many people find that regular sauna sessions help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, promoting a greater sense of wellbeing and inner peace.

Hot cold cycle

Recent scientific research highlights the numerous health benefits of sauna use, but there’s a specific method to optimise these advantages. The key is the hot-cold-rest-repeat cycle. Known as “contrast therapy”, this process is essential for unlocking significant physical and mental health benefits.

Muscle recovery

Saunas use has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which can aid in post-workout recovery. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that a post-workout sauna can reduce muscle soreness and inflammation by opening up the blood vessels and relaxing the muscles.

For runners, endurance athletes and regular gym goers Saunas can promote healing for muscle and other injuries.

Yoga & Sauna

And why they make a great combination.

  • Yoga reduces stress and calms the mind. Following up with a sauna session deepens relaxation and provides a profound sense of tranquility.

  • Yoga stretches and warms muscles, while the sauna keeps them pliable and aids in recovery by boosting blood flow and reducing soreness.

  • Yoga and saunas both promote detoxification—yoga through stimulating the lymphatic system and organs, and saunas through inducing sweating to eliminate toxins.

  • Yoga fosters mindfulness and a strong mind-body connection. A sauna session can enhance this by providing a quiet space for reflection and deeper meditation.


The full health experience

At our Sealanes site you can experience the full health hat trick.

Why not try a yoga class at our sister company Luna Wave and book in a post session sauna.

At this site you can integrate cold water therapy with either the sea or the outdoor cold showers.

Book your sauna experience

  • Find a sauna

    We host our saunas at a number of sites throughout Sussex. Find one of our sauna residencies and book your space.

  • Events & workshops

    Find out about upcoming pop-up events or sign up for a one-off experience.