Sauna Guide

Essentials for first time users

Taking the first step.

Everything you need to know to make your first Finnish Sauna a glowing success.

Before you arrive

Hydration is key

Have a good drink of water before you arrive & pack a water bottle to hydrate during your sauna.

We provide water and small reusable cups but recommend you have an ample supply during your session.

What else should I bring?

    • Swimwear which is mandatory in the sauna.

    • Bikini’s allow the skin to breath more.

  • One small towel to sit on in the sauna

    A large towel to dry off with.

    A changing towel - the type with the hood - can be handy if you have one in case changing rooms aren’t available.

  • Can be a great idea to help you navigate any pebbles or other types of natural flooring.

  • We mentioned it before but in case you missed the memo!

Our dedicated team

Our friendly team of sauna experts are always on hand to welcome you and share their knowledge with you.

Let them know if it’s your first time and they’ll guide you in.

The Sauna Hat

Covering your head in the sauna is recommended. This is because your head, especially the scalp, is more sensitive to heat than the rest of your body. Covering it will protect it from head related discomfort and even headaches.

So go ahead and pick up one of our supplied grey felt caps!

During your sauna

  • The hottest parts of the sauna are the highest place. Opt for a lower bench if you feel unsure and work your way up

  • 5-10 minutes is a good starting point if you are a beginner. As you become more accustomed you can extend your sessions to 15-20 minutes.

  • You can increase the steam by throwing water onto the stones with the supplied ladle.

  • Yes, we know, we mentioned it before. Keep replacing the fluids you lose.

  • A sauna is as much about relaxation and enjoyment as it is about health benefits. Take your time, enjoy the warmth and allow yourself to unwind.

  • Always listen to your body and step outside to cool down if you feel too uncomfortable. You can mix your breaks up with a refreshing sea swim or cold shower to lower the temperature. Or, if the climate permits, just standing outside can do the job!

  • You can always return to the sauna after a round of cooling off. You can repeat the process a number of times to boost your circulation.

Social etiquette

Our saunas are a community-orientated facility and we encourage chatting with like minded souls.

However we encourage you to respect others and keep your voices low as to not disturb the calm nature of the space

After care tips

  • Cool off

    After your session, cool down by stepping into a cold shower, taking a dip in a cold pool, or simply sitting in a cooler environment. This helps to close your pores and restore your body temperature.

  • Stay Hydrated

    Drink plenty of fluids like water or your favourite herbal tea to replace fluids lost through sweating.

  • Rest & Relax

    Give your body some time to rest and recover. Lie down, read a book, or enjoy some quiet time to allow your body to reap the benefits of your sauna.